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留言人:true religion jeans   [我要回复]
In 1942, Japanese air force in Darwin, also dropped more than a bomb Pearl Harbor bombing, resulting in Australia into a staunch U.S. ally. 17, U.S. President Barack Obama visited this northern and city in Australia to rebuild a new era of US-Australia alliance. U.S. Marines stationed in Darwin will be the number of small, but its strategicsignificance is no trivial matter. Commenced in the United States on the future of Asia and more intense geopolitical contest, the United States and Australia signed a security agreement is an enhanced version of a very important episode. Over the past 30 years, Australia's warning to some extent the rise of China. To understand the global impact of China, from Australia to start with is a good start. In some far-sighted diplomat reminded, Australia became the first to realize the potential of China's economy one of the countries. In 1985, the then Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke invited Chinese leaders to a private visit to the remote areas of Western Australia, with rich iron ore reserves in the Pilbara region. Since then, more and more clay rich in iron ore are shipped to China Tempered steel, for its magnificent urbanization. Australia's think tanks and universities, there are many English-speaking world in the best China watchers. Rudd was the first Western country to speak Chinese Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd currently holds Australian Foreign Minister).
[2011-11-29 11:14:21]    

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留言人:陈   [我要回复]
[2011-5-11 16:24:00]    
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